Who We Are
Our Mission
Our Mission at St. Paul’s is to know Christ and to make Christ known.
Our Vision
Our Vision for accomplishing this mission is: “Faithfully working together by being the hands, feet, and heart of Christ to become a joyful all inclusive community of love and belonging.”
About Us
St. Paul’s is a community of families and individuals from all walks of life and varied and diverse backgrounds, coming together in our shared love of Christ and of Community. Most especially though, we love gathering around the table. Whether it be at the altar on Sunday mornings, as we share the sacrament of Holy Eucharist. Or, in our fellowship hall for a Potluck Super or Hot Dog Luncheon, we love to share food and fellowship with one another and would love to share with you. Everyone is welcome at our table, and everyone is accepted just as they are. We hope as you search for a spiritual community you are able to find a church home here, as we seek to provide respite for your soul and food for the journey, as we walk the path together.