Brotherhood of Saint Andrew

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is a missionary and evangelism ministry of the Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion. It is the oldest evangelistic ministry of the Episcopal Church and in continuous service for over 120 years. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew was founded in 1883 on St. Andrew’s Day and later incorporated by an Act of the U.S. Congress signed on May 30, 1908 by President Theodore Roosevelt. The act stated, “the sole object of said corporation shall be the spread of Christ’s Kingdom among men.”

The St. Paul’s chapter is open to all men at St. Paul’s (youth and adults). Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 6 PM in Lawrence Hall. Meetings are comprised of fellowship (dinner), study, prayer, and service. The Brotherhood sponsors several events throughout the year designed to raise funds for parish projects and community outreach.

Special events led by the Brotherhood:

  • The Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper (cooking and serving)
  • An annual Wine Tasting fundraising event each Spring (usually in April, post-Easter Day)
  • Oktoberfest (need we say more?) The second of three major fundraisers
  • The Annual Christmas Tree, Wreath, and Greenery sale – pick up date is always the Sunday following Thanksgiving.