Acolytes & Servers
This ministry is an intergenerational effort (children are invited to participate as they are able) and allows both children and adults the opportunity to assist in creating meaningful worship experiences for our congregation.
Acolytes and servers participate in our service worship service as torch bearers and crucifers (carrying the cross), and by assisting at the altar. This includes all Sunday services of Holy Eucharist at 8 AM and 11 AM, as well as weddings, funerals, and all other services as they arise. Our acolytes and servers see that each service runs smoothly and assist the clergy.
Lectors and Intercessors read our assigned Bible lessons and connect the congregation with Holy Scripture through the spoken word, bringing life to these ancient words and reminding us of the important history of our sacred text. Lectors also invite us into the act of communal prayer as they lead us in our Prayers of the People.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers serve at our altar rail and assist in the administering of consecrated wine at all Eucharistic services. LEMs are appointed by the Rector and are licensed by our Bishop.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors assist the clergy by bringing Holy Communion to individuals who are ill or home bound in a timely manner from our corporate service of Holy Eucharist. This ministry embodies the pastoral and sacramental expression of our community. It also makes real the fact that no matter where we are in our journey, we are always part of this community and the Body of Christ. Eucharistic Visitors are appointed by the Rector and licensed by our Bishop.
Lay Preachers: The art of preaching is one that involves both a deep love and knowledge of Scripture, alongside a passion for storytelling. Preaching is a way in which we connect our readings from the Lectionary with the world we live and move and have our being in today. The Diocese of North Carolina recognizes that lay persons can hear and fulfill a call to preaching. If you are interested in this ministry and the formation surrounding it please contact the Rector.