Outreach & Social Justice
The Outreach and Social Justice Committee identifies and shares with the parish opportunities to serve as Christ would serve in our community and throughout the world by promoting Christian Service, programs and projects. Parish projects such as the Lenten Fundraiser for Selma Middle School, Food Pantry Drive, and Stop Hunger Now are some examples of ministries carried out by this committee.
Food Pantry (local)
On the first Sunday of each month we collect nonperishable food items for the area Food Pantry (although food items may be placed in the baskets at the back of the Church on any given Sunday). Checks to assist the Food Pantry in purchasing additional food items may be made out to St. Paul’s with “Food Pantry” written in the memo section of the check. Checks may be placed in the Offering Plate on Sunday or mailed to the Church at 218 S. Second Street, Smithfield, NC 27577
Other Ministries Supported by our Outreach and Social Justice Committee:
- Wounded Warriors (regional and national)
- Operation Gratitude (regional and national)
- Episcopal Farmworkers Ministry (regional)
- Operation Santa Claus (local)
- Smithfield Rescue Mission (local)
- Harbor, Inc (women’s shelter) (local)
- Serve the Need in Johnston County (local)
- Family Life Center (local)
- Community and Senior Services (local)
Debby Jenkins
(919) 553-0835