Stewardship & Finance

Stewardship Committee

The Stewardship Committee promotes the year-round education and understanding of Stewardship in the parish. This includes all the ways we share and give thanks for the gifts God has given us. Using the time, talent, and treasure we have, we support God’s work through the Church. This committee oversees and carries out all activities associated with our annual Pledge Campaign. As well as the Time & Talent Fair, and Newcomer gatherings.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee makes recommendations to the Vestry concerning the Church’s Ministry Funding Budget and expenditures. The committee works closely with the Church Treasurer and Vestry in their review of income and expenses on a quarterly basis. The committee is also charged with the exploration of developing Endowment Funds and Planned Giving for St. Paul’s. The Finance Committee is staffed through nominations by the committee and approved by the Vestry.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee prepares the required annual audit of St. Paul’s finances. The Committee consists of three people and is recommended by the Finance Committee and approved by the Vestry. Each parish is required to submit an annual audit to the Diocese by September 1.