Life Events – Sacraments
A sacrament is any way in which we are reminded that the Divine Spirit is fully and completely present within the physical world we live and move and have our being within. In the Episcopal Church we define a sacrament as: “an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace” (BCP 857). There are two sacraments which all Christians participate in and those are Holy Baptism and Holy Communion, as Jesus shared in these during his life and ministry. At St. Paul’s we offer these, as well as other significant occasions and markers that reveal to us God’s Divine and ever present love in our lives, including Confirmation, Marriage, Reconciliation, and Unction (or laying on of hands).
What Is Confirmation? The sacrament of Confirmation is a mature profession of one’s faith. While it is often undertaken separately from the sacrament of Holy Baptism, Confirmation is actually a …