What Is Confirmation?
The sacrament of Confirmation is a mature profession of one’s faith. While it is often undertaken separately from the sacrament of Holy Baptism, Confirmation is actually a reaffirmation of the baptismal rite and involves a public affirmation of faith and the laying on of hands by a Bishop. For those being baptized as a teenager or adult in the presence of a Bishop, Confirmation would take place as a part of the baptismal rite.
What’s Involved?
In order to be confirmed, one must attend the confirmation course, often called “Episcopal Church 101” at St. Paul’s. This takes place over several weeks and provides people with an opportunity to learn about everything from basic Christianity to Episcopal worship and the sacraments, from church history to polity and structure. The course considers the importance of the Bible and the Prayer Book in our common lives and is an opportunity for participants take a spiritual inventory to discern gifts for ministry. Finally, the course considers the Baptismal Covenant and how we are all called to Christian action and mission.
Who Can Attend?
The class is open to ALL—those who want to receive the sacrament of Confirmation; those wishing to be Received into the Church (already confirmed in another branch of the Christian Church); candidates for Reaffirmation (already confirmed in the Episcopal Church but wishing to reaffirm their faith); those who want a refresher course; and seekers and those who simply want to learn more about the Christian faith and the Episcopal way.
Traditionally in the Episcopal Church, Confirmation instruction took place during 7th or 8th grade. This is not as common today simply because twelve and thirteen years olds often were confirmed because their parents wanted them to be confirmed rather than because they personally sought to make a mature reaffirmation of their baptismal vows. So more often than not, youth in many congregations do not get confirmed until older (high school or college) or as adults.
At St. Paul’s, we will form a Confirmation class for teenagers (beginning in middle school or older) as there is desire on the part of the youth or for adults. We have, at times, had intergenerational Episcopal 101 classes. If a Bishop is not scheduled to visit St. Paul’s in a given year (2020 for example), we will either work to get on a Bishop’s schedule or work with Confirmands to find a nearby Church with a Bishop’s visitation where they can go to be confirmed. At times ,the Diocese schedules area confirmations as well.
If interested, please speak to the Rector.
The Rev. Kate Byrd
(703) 582-2997